Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Wordless Wednesday: Sunrise on the Farm
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photos Wordless Wednesday,
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Monday, August 22, 2016
Makeover Monday: End Table
A couple weeks ago, my friend Theresa picked up one of those old-school two-tiered end tables for me.
It was out at the curb, and she figured I could make one of those Pinterest Lego tables with it.
Or something.
After eyeballing it for a bit, I decided I was too lazy.
I was going to just paint it, but I thought maybe that would be too boring.
I wanted to do something that would make it stand out a bit, and yet still be functional as an all-purpose end table.
I had picked up some maps from a flea market, and after looking through them, I decided to go with an interesting map of Mount Everest. I loved all the blues and greys, and thought it would go well with the Annie Sloan Paris Grey I used to paint the table.
After decoupaging, I still thought it needed a little something. Something for the top.
"Explore" with an arrow built into the word would be just the thing. I painted that in black and was finally pleased.
The only work that remained was to distress it with my orbital sander, and then add a coat of clear wax.
All done. I like it!
Do you...?
I'm linking this post up with a few blog hops. See the list in my sidebar.
It was out at the curb, and she figured I could make one of those Pinterest Lego tables with it.
Or something.
After eyeballing it for a bit, I decided I was too lazy.
I was going to just paint it, but I thought maybe that would be too boring.
I wanted to do something that would make it stand out a bit, and yet still be functional as an all-purpose end table.
I had picked up some maps from a flea market, and after looking through them, I decided to go with an interesting map of Mount Everest. I loved all the blues and greys, and thought it would go well with the Annie Sloan Paris Grey I used to paint the table.
After decoupaging, I still thought it needed a little something. Something for the top.
"Explore" with an arrow built into the word would be just the thing. I painted that in black and was finally pleased.
The only work that remained was to distress it with my orbital sander, and then add a coat of clear wax.
All done. I like it!
Do you...?
I'm linking this post up with a few blog hops. See the list in my sidebar.
Saturday, August 13, 2016
I Have a Problem....
This is all the stuff I've bought in the last few days.
Basically, if I see a wooden thing for cheap, I buy it. I HAVE to.
May I justify? That long low 70's style dresser in the front? Ten bucks.
The tall dark and handsome dresser? Twenty. You heard it here first.
Three solid chairs, $5 each.
Even that cute little petite upholstered chair was only ten dollars.
How can I resist these bargains?
IMPOSSIBLE, I tell you!
Now I just need to get busy.
Reallllllly busy.
Wish me luck!
(Linking up in some blog hops. See my sidebar for a list!)
furniture refinishing
Monday, August 8, 2016
Feeling Inspired
I just got back from a Weekend of Magic.
Though it started out in High Stress Mode, setting out at 6am to meet with someone at my Mom's bank to continue slogging through estate matters, then to the funeral home in a vain attempt to correct a numbers error, it ended so beautifully that by the time I was driving back over the Causeway bridge at sunset Sunday evening, I had all but forgotten about all the stress and unrest of the day before.
My Weekend of Magic began with meeting an old friend at her house at the seaside. Over the last couple of years, she and I have reconnected, and she has taken care of me in my heart-injured state. She cooks delicious food for me. She plies me with wine. She gives me good books to read. In fact, on Saturday, as she grabbed her board to head out to the waves, she handed me the book she was reading and said to me, "You should read the first chapter of this book, I think you'll like it."
Sarah didn't get the book back the rest of the weekend.
[And PS, one of the funniest books I've ever read in my life, You'll Grow Out of It, by Jessi Klein.]
Anyway. Next day - if possible - was even more magical. We drove down to my old home Long Beach Island. Sarah took me to her sister's shop: Mary Tantillo's Swell Colors.
Ah. Mazing.
The most beautiful stained glass pieces imaginable. Plus all kinds of other gorgeous artwork from paintings to jewelry and everything in between. I walked out with a few pieces in a bag, and a smile on my face.
Then we headed to the south end of the island and our next destination: her good friend Sandy Gingras' shop How To Live.
Was I dreaming?
I was dreaming, wasn't I?
Timeless elegance.
Vintage, retro, shabby, farmhouse, seashore, chippy, metal, wood, fabrics, tranquil palette....
I wanted to drop to the floor and roll around, like a dog rolling in a dead thing to embrace the stink.
That didn't sound at all pleasing or even remotely resembling anything positive.
I wanted to....
I don't know, I wanted to BECOME the store.
I wanted to marry the store.
I wanted to have a baby with that store.
No, I wanted to BE the store's baby, so it could hold me and rock me and sing me to sleep while I sucked my thumb.
Am I making any sense? I don't know if I am. I still feel a little disconnected, like maybe I had a stroke or something.
Hold on....
OK, I just went to a mirror and stuck my tongue out and it stuck out straight, not all lopsided like they say it does if you've had a stroke, so I guess I'm OK.
Anyway, I bought a few things FOR ME FOR MYSELF that my budget would allow (restraint was exercised), and then we headed a little further south on the island to Sandy's house.
I could barely make it in the door. At some point during the tour I quite literally dropped to my knees because they got all shaky and stuff. I have witnesses.
I could best describe her house as Joanna Gaines goes to the seashore, except that this has been Sandy's own personal style since before even Chip heard of Joanna, let alone the rest of the world.
And if possible, the beauty and peace of her space was outshined (outshone??) by the view from every G-D window of her house. A view of the bay, and marsh grasses, and docks and boats and the blue sky.
It has even been in magazines.
Of course it has been in magazines.
This house has INVENTED magazines.
They pulled me screaming and crying from the haven of her abode We all willingly and calmly left the house and walked a block to the beach to spend an hour or so enjoying sand and surf. Once back at The Most Beautiful Place On Earth, Sarah and I went out on her little Sunfish sailboat where the wind actually pushed our little craft around on the water! No paddles, no motors, just wind, how cool is that? And Sarah would say things to me like,
"Be prepared, in a minute the fliibbertjibbit" (or something like that) "will swing around and you might need to
And to prevent myself from getting beheaded, I would lickety-split prostrate myself on her boat in a very contorted position for an overweight 51 year old that doesn't even take yoga.
When we returned to the house, Sarah decided to clean off her boat because she had discovered some aliens growing on the bottom.
We flipped it over to discover millions of ( Idon't even know what to call them. Aliens.) all over the nether regions of her craft. Imagine coating a 50 gallon barrel-ful of clear black-eyed peas in an equally clear Jello, then gluing this mass to the bottom of a boat, then getting the Snuffleupagus and 30 of his closest friends to sneeze all over it.
Add to that that there were also little spider-like creatures crawling over this mass.
Add to that that when one tried to scrape these snotty blobs off the boat with a clamshell, one got squirted in God-knows-what by a million little pissed-off.... things.
I couldn't do it. I tried, honest to God, Sarah, I tried, but I couldn't do it! I have dealt with the testicles and placentas, poop and pee, worms and burs, and fleas and ticks of my animals. For the love of all that's holy, I have even surgically amputated the talons of one of my chickens. I have, right in my kitchen, I swear to you! But on this occasion, I had to walk away.
I took a hot shower. I scrubbed off the unimaginable filth. I will never truly feel clean again, but I scrubbed to save my soul.
Then I went and talked to Sandy for a bit, within earshot - but trying not to notice - of Sarah engaged in her Alien-Scraping.
But the more Sandy talked, the less I sensed what was going on a mere five yards from where Sandy and I stood.
Sandy -- beautful, quiet, talented Sandy -- talked to me about her writing, and her artwork, and of her store and her dreams and her home that she has built in thisalien-infested heavenly spot on the water.
And so, as the title of this post implies, I am feeling inspired.
Inspired to write.
Inspired to create more pieces.
Inspired to try my hand at painting pictures, and writing poetry, and just writing more in general.
Because why wait for that elusive time of "Someday When Things Are More Settled"?
You never know when the aliens will take over....
Though it started out in High Stress Mode, setting out at 6am to meet with someone at my Mom's bank to continue slogging through estate matters, then to the funeral home in a vain attempt to correct a numbers error, it ended so beautifully that by the time I was driving back over the Causeway bridge at sunset Sunday evening, I had all but forgotten about all the stress and unrest of the day before.
My Weekend of Magic began with meeting an old friend at her house at the seaside. Over the last couple of years, she and I have reconnected, and she has taken care of me in my heart-injured state. She cooks delicious food for me. She plies me with wine. She gives me good books to read. In fact, on Saturday, as she grabbed her board to head out to the waves, she handed me the book she was reading and said to me, "You should read the first chapter of this book, I think you'll like it."
Sarah didn't get the book back the rest of the weekend.
[And PS, one of the funniest books I've ever read in my life, You'll Grow Out of It, by Jessi Klein.]
Anyway. Next day - if possible - was even more magical. We drove down to my old home Long Beach Island. Sarah took me to her sister's shop: Mary Tantillo's Swell Colors.
Ah. Mazing.
The most beautiful stained glass pieces imaginable. Plus all kinds of other gorgeous artwork from paintings to jewelry and everything in between. I walked out with a few pieces in a bag, and a smile on my face.
Then we headed to the south end of the island and our next destination: her good friend Sandy Gingras' shop How To Live.
Was I dreaming?
I was dreaming, wasn't I?
Timeless elegance.
Vintage, retro, shabby, farmhouse, seashore, chippy, metal, wood, fabrics, tranquil palette....
I wanted to drop to the floor and roll around, like a dog rolling in a dead thing to embrace the stink.
<sound of record screeching>
That didn't sound at all pleasing or even remotely resembling anything positive.
I wanted to....
I don't know, I wanted to BECOME the store.
I wanted to marry the store.
I wanted to have a baby with that store.
No, I wanted to BE the store's baby, so it could hold me and rock me and sing me to sleep while I sucked my thumb.
Am I making any sense? I don't know if I am. I still feel a little disconnected, like maybe I had a stroke or something.
Hold on....
OK, I just went to a mirror and stuck my tongue out and it stuck out straight, not all lopsided like they say it does if you've had a stroke, so I guess I'm OK.
Anyway, I bought a few things FOR ME FOR MYSELF that my budget would allow (restraint was exercised), and then we headed a little further south on the island to Sandy's house.
I could barely make it in the door. At some point during the tour I quite literally dropped to my knees because they got all shaky and stuff. I have witnesses.
I could best describe her house as Joanna Gaines goes to the seashore, except that this has been Sandy's own personal style since before even Chip heard of Joanna, let alone the rest of the world.
And if possible, the beauty and peace of her space was outshined (outshone??) by the view from every G-D window of her house. A view of the bay, and marsh grasses, and docks and boats and the blue sky.
It has even been in magazines.
Of course it has been in magazines.
This house has INVENTED magazines.
"Be prepared, in a minute the fliibbertjibbit" (or something like that) "will swing around and you might need to
DUCK!!!!!DUCK NOW!!!!!!"
And to prevent myself from getting beheaded, I would lickety-split prostrate myself on her boat in a very contorted position for an overweight 51 year old that doesn't even take yoga.
When we returned to the house, Sarah decided to clean off her boat because she had discovered some aliens growing on the bottom.
We flipped it over to discover millions of ( Idon't even know what to call them. Aliens.) all over the nether regions of her craft. Imagine coating a 50 gallon barrel-ful of clear black-eyed peas in an equally clear Jello, then gluing this mass to the bottom of a boat, then getting the Snuffleupagus and 30 of his closest friends to sneeze all over it.
Add to that that there were also little spider-like creatures crawling over this mass.
Add to that that when one tried to scrape these snotty blobs off the boat with a clamshell, one got squirted in God-knows-what by a million little pissed-off.... things.
I couldn't do it. I tried, honest to God, Sarah, I tried, but I couldn't do it! I have dealt with the testicles and placentas, poop and pee, worms and burs, and fleas and ticks of my animals. For the love of all that's holy, I have even surgically amputated the talons of one of my chickens. I have, right in my kitchen, I swear to you! But on this occasion, I had to walk away.
<bowing head in shame>
I took a hot shower. I scrubbed off the unimaginable filth. I will never truly feel clean again, but I scrubbed to save my soul.
Then I went and talked to Sandy for a bit, within earshot - but trying not to notice - of Sarah engaged in her Alien-Scraping.
But the more Sandy talked, the less I sensed what was going on a mere five yards from where Sandy and I stood.
Sandy -- beautful, quiet, talented Sandy -- talked to me about her writing, and her artwork, and of her store and her dreams and her home that she has built in this
And so, as the title of this post implies, I am feeling inspired.
Inspired to write.
Inspired to create more pieces.
Inspired to try my hand at painting pictures, and writing poetry, and just writing more in general.
Because why wait for that elusive time of "Someday When Things Are More Settled"?
You never know when the aliens will take over....
Friday, August 5, 2016
First First Friday
It's First Friday, everyone!
What does that mean?
It means that my little hometown of Oxford, like a lot of towns, holds a community celebration of sorts on the first Friday of every month.
In Oxford's case, they close down the main streets to auto traffic so folks can meander and wander in and out of shops, take advantage of give-aways and discounts, and in general just enjoy mingling with the folks of their community.
Many vendors - Oxford Odds and Ends included - participate in special discounts on this night. For my own shop space within OOE, I will be offering 20% off on all glass and ceramic items in my shop.
Unique coffee mugs? 20% off.
Interesting little glass vases and bottles and jars? All 20% off.
Since I only just moved into this little space less than a week ago, this will be my FIRST First Friday as a vendor. I'm excited!
Click on this link to see what our town put together for tonight. Looks like fun!
Hope to see you there!
coffee mugs,
First Friday,
Oxford Odds and Ends,
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Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Toilet Talk. #FeelingProud.
This post has nothing to do with DIY decor, or furniture refinishing, or how to mix up your own chalk paint.
It has everything to do with feeling proud of myself and wanting to share that feeling. Especially with any others out there that have found themselves on their own and trying to learn to be more independent and self-sufficient.
The downstairs terlet has been broken for a couple of days. I finally had a chance today to go out to see if I could find a replacement part for the piece that was missing. I had no idea what I was even looking for, but was not afraid to ask for help. By the time I left the store I felt like an expert. When I got home, I found the missing piece under the "tower" (toilet lingo. Don't even worry about it) as I had been advised to lift it up to see if it had gotten stuck underneath.
I was delighted. I probably wouldn't even need to use the new piece I had bought. However, when I replaced the part, and gave it a trial flush, it popped right off again because one of the flanges was broken. So I got the new piece out of the package and figured it out. I replaced the old hose with the new one, clipped the new piece in place, waited with baited breath for the tank to fill, and gave her a flush.
Voila! The toilet flushed. The new piece held. The hose held. Everything remained in its proper place and the tank refilled again.
For $2.97, plus the confidence to talk to the plumber guy at my local hardware store and put aside my fear of looking like a moron, I was able to fix my toilet all by my lonesome.
I am woman.
Hear me flush.
chalk paint,
furniture refinishing,
hardware store,
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Monday, July 25, 2016
Makeover Monday: Pretty Dresser
I picked up this nice little dresser for a song from my local on-line yard sale group. $30.
Very nice shape. Nothing wrong with it. I almost hated to paint it.
I love painted wooden things.
We'll see if I feel the same way after I'm done.
So here's my tutorial.
Like I said, there was nothing at all wrong with this sweet little dresser, so I was able to go right to painting. Since I was using good quality chalk paints (Annie Sloan Old White and Paris Grey), there was no need to do any prep like sanding or priming.
And this would be why I am such a fan of chalk paints.
I did a coat of the white, and after a little while, did a second coat and removed all the tape. So far, looking good!
Next day I painted they grey. I had run out of painter's tape and was too lazy to go out and buy more, so I just tried to cut in with the brush. Sometimes my brush was flawless, and other times it decided to color outside the lines, but I didn't fret about it. Just figured I'd fix it up once the paint dried.
Finally, I decided to add a little something extra, so I painted this on the side, using the same Old White paint that I used on the drawer fronts.
I think I'll add a little bit of the design on the side of that top drawer.
And I'm not done waxing.
And one more thing I'm not done with. Did you catch it in the pictures above?
I accidentally left her barefoot. I forgot to paint her feet!
Oops (again)!
Back to work tomorrow!
Hope you enjoyed this. What would you have done differently?
I'm linking this post up with some blog hops this week. See the schedule in my side bar if you'd like to join any of the parties!
Very nice shape. Nothing wrong with it. I almost hated to paint it.
I love painted wooden things.
We'll see if I feel the same way after I'm done.
So here's my tutorial.
Like I said, there was nothing at all wrong with this sweet little dresser, so I was able to go right to painting. Since I was using good quality chalk paints (Annie Sloan Old White and Paris Grey), there was no need to do any prep like sanding or priming.
And this would be why I am such a fan of chalk paints.
I took out all the drawers and removed the top piece. I unscrewed all the pulls and taped off along the lines of where I wanted to paint white.
I did a coat of the white, and after a little while, did a second coat and removed all the tape. So far, looking good!
Next day I painted they grey. I had run out of painter's tape and was too lazy to go out and buy more, so I just tried to cut in with the brush. Sometimes my brush was flawless, and other times it decided to color outside the lines, but I didn't fret about it. Just figured I'd fix it up once the paint dried.
(Here are some of the brush mistakes that I had to touch up. No big deal.)
So after two coats of the grey, and after it all dried, (and after I fixed all my oops-es), I took my orbital sander to the edges to distress it, then started rubbing in all the wax.
Finally, I decided to add a little something extra, so I painted this on the side, using the same Old White paint that I used on the drawer fronts.
I think I'll add a little bit of the design on the side of that top drawer.
And I'm not done waxing.
And one more thing I'm not done with. Did you catch it in the pictures above?
I accidentally left her barefoot. I forgot to paint her feet!
Oops (again)!
Back to work tomorrow!
Hope you enjoyed this. What would you have done differently?
I'm linking this post up with some blog hops this week. See the schedule in my side bar if you'd like to join any of the parties!
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Monday, July 18, 2016
Makeover Monday: This Old Door
Once in awhile you just get lucky.
Not long ago I dropped by a yard sale, and what to my wondering eyes did appear but a beautiful old, chippy, flaky, rusty door.
Seriously, this was something I'd been hoping to find for awhile.
Originally I had wanted one like this to use as a headboard, from a great tutorial I saw on Pinterest. But when the door of my dreams didn't appear, I finally moved on and made different kind of headboard.
So instead of hanging behind my bed, this door would find a home and a new life in my shop. Standing there at the side of the road, I could picture it: Painted, distressed, waxed. Panels would be chalkboard to draw my logo and to write messages to customers. As an added bonus, this old beauty even had a mail slot. I would use that for a business card drawing!!!
I know. I need a life. Sigh....
Here's how she's shaping up so far. Just playing around with the chalk, so this isn't a finished product yet.
The basket hung from the mail slot will hold my business cards, and a notepad of paper so shoppers can write their info and drop it in the slot for a monthly drawing.
What do you think?
Thanks for reading! I have linked this post up with a few bloghops. If you'd like to join the parties, I've listed all the links in my sidebar. Hope to see you there!
Not long ago I dropped by a yard sale, and what to my wondering eyes did appear but a beautiful old, chippy, flaky, rusty door.
Hey, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, don't judge!
Seriously, this was something I'd been hoping to find for awhile.
Originally I had wanted one like this to use as a headboard, from a great tutorial I saw on Pinterest. But when the door of my dreams didn't appear, I finally moved on and made different kind of headboard.
So instead of hanging behind my bed, this door would find a home and a new life in my shop. Standing there at the side of the road, I could picture it: Painted, distressed, waxed. Panels would be chalkboard to draw my logo and to write messages to customers. As an added bonus, this old beauty even had a mail slot. I would use that for a business card drawing!!!
I know. I need a life. Sigh....
Here's how she's shaping up so far. Just playing around with the chalk, so this isn't a finished product yet.
The basket hung from the mail slot will hold my business cards, and a notepad of paper so shoppers can write their info and drop it in the slot for a monthly drawing.
What do you think?
Thanks for reading! I have linked this post up with a few bloghops. If you'd like to join the parties, I've listed all the links in my sidebar. Hope to see you there!
chippy paint,
Makeover Monday,
old door,
yard sale
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Exciting Changes on the Horizon
I've slowly been getting back into my business over the last couple of weeks.
I've completed a number of projects.
I've also started the ball rolling on obtaining a little shop space in a business in town that is one of those each-room-is-different-vendor kind of shops. You know the kind. Some rooms very artistic and antiquey, some more junky with lots of used clothes and stuff.
And truth be told, I wasn't exactly able to secure a "room". More like an alcove.
A glorified hallway.
Where the restrooms are located.
Hey, we've all got to start somewhere, right?
And I've always been a silver-lining kind of gal, so I'm thinking, "More foot traffic!"
<Positive thoughts, positive thoughts, positive thoughts>
Anyway, I will post again when I have the space all set. I have big plans for my tiny space.
And shelving.
And a cool door and a shutter that I just picked up at a couple of yard sales.
Maybe a banner?
I think it will look cute and homey when all is said and done.
Oh, I almost forgot my other news! I have come up with a logo that the design team at Staples is going to put together for me. It will hopefully be ready for my stamp of approval in a couple of days, so it should be making an appearance right here on my blog sometime next week. So keep your eyes open!
Yes, this picture was taken in 2016.
We have a very large Amish community in my town.
The sound of horse hooves clip-clopping down the road? Very grounding.
Don't knock it till you've tried it....
I've completed a number of projects.
I've also started the ball rolling on obtaining a little shop space in a business in town that is one of those each-room-is-different-vendor kind of shops. You know the kind. Some rooms very artistic and antiquey, some more junky with lots of used clothes and stuff.
And truth be told, I wasn't exactly able to secure a "room". More like an alcove.
A glorified hallway.
Where the restrooms are located.
Hey, we've all got to start somewhere, right?
And I've always been a silver-lining kind of gal, so I'm thinking, "More foot traffic!"
<Positive thoughts, positive thoughts, positive thoughts>
Anyway, I will post again when I have the space all set. I have big plans for my tiny space.
And shelving.
And a cool door and a shutter that I just picked up at a couple of yard sales.
Maybe a banner?
I think it will look cute and homey when all is said and done.
Oh, I almost forgot my other news! I have come up with a logo that the design team at Staples is going to put together for me. It will hopefully be ready for my stamp of approval in a couple of days, so it should be making an appearance right here on my blog sometime next week. So keep your eyes open!
Yes, this picture was taken in 2016.
We have a very large Amish community in my town.
The sound of horse hooves clip-clopping down the road? Very grounding.
Don't knock it till you've tried it....
thrift shops
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Rest in Peace
I lost my mother last week. She will live on in the memories of all that ever met her, for she was an interesting soul. My sister and I wrote a memorial that I am sharing here, so that hopefully you may get a glimpse of who she was, if you never had the pleasure of meeting her.
Kid, Hon, Bird,
Mrs. Birdsong, Mother Bridsnog
Sugar Britches.
Kathy, Katharine,
Miss Kimball,
Ma, Mom, Mommy, Grammy,
and (long story) “Susan.”
Katharine Evans Kimball Birdsong went by many names, but the one name that best captures her spirit is…
She was a gentle soul with a poet’s heart, and on June 2nd, 2016, Katharine Birdsong took her last breath. Most people would equate the last breath with death, but when Katharine learned of her terminal condition, she felt like she was just going on a long trip- quite literally at first.
Shortly after her prognosis of having three to five months to live, she had the impulse to start packing and began looking for her well-worn Agatha Christie novel , and her even more worn pair of favorite slippers, only to realize with a disappointed laugh that it was true what they say—
“You can’t take it with you.”
And she was more of a giver than a taker anyway. One of the greatest things she gave us was a colorful childhood.
Words like “colorful,” “unconventional,” “eccentric”… these are polite substitutions for words less kind -- words that sometimes come with unwarranted shame. They are a gentlemen’s code used to describe people whose brilliance, creativity and compassion come with some heavy crosses to bear. And though our mother’s “peace of mind” was often tested by personal demons, great tragedies and deep loss, she always strove to find some kernel of happiness amidst the struggle.
It’s hard to explain our unconventional household, but if you’ve ever come home from school and found a wounded (but very much alive) goose staring back at you from the bathtub or a large (but very much dead) deer in the back seat of your mom’s broken down Oldsmobile, you'll have an idea of the colorful childhood our mom painted on a Jersey Shore canvas.
Her unorthodox life was matched by her eclectic resume, with jobs including, but not limited to:
- waitress
- journalist
- clammer
- convent cook
- monastery maid
These jobs may been humble, but they were not without their perks. While working as a live-in cook and housekeeper for a Catholic bishop (in a beautiful oceanfront home) she'd occasionally “borrow” his house when he was off doing bishop-y things. Her daughter Mary’s eighth birthday party was held in his living room. It beat the one bedroom efficiency apartment over his garage where she and her four children actually lived.
Besides being a heck of a party-planner, the girl could cook. She nurtured the food she was cooking just as she nurtured the folks fed by it, working a pot of soup like a sculpture. Many sat at her table: friends, neighbors, folks down on their luck or without family. Even from time to time the creepy neighbor who claimed to be an orthodox Ukrainian priest (“He wasn’t no priest!”).
The mouths she could feed with a can of tuna and a loaf of generic white bread would put Jesus’ loaves and fishes to shame.
The mouths she could feed with a can of tuna and a loaf of generic white bread would put Jesus’ loaves and fishes to shame.
Born in Upper Montclair NJ in 1944, Katharine wouldn’t remain a Yankee for long- her parents relocated to the Deep South (where they’d both grown up) and chose to raise their children in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Married at 17, our mother had her first child at 18 after having to relocate quite unexpectedly with her new husband to Germany, where they lived an almost medieval lifestyle complete with chamber pots and cauldrons of boiled water for bathing.
After returning to the states and her Louisiana life, she eventually wound up in a South Jersey Shangri La called Long Beach Island. Choosing a remote island for her home where she knew not a blessed soul had its own unique challenges, but she was nothing if not resourceful.
Case in point: Her first day on the island she’d tucked her three small children into bed with kisses on their cheeks and thumb-swiped crosses on their foreheads, then returned to unpacking. Much time and many boxes later, she still could not find the alarm clock.
Desperate to make sure they’d all wake up in time for school, she called the police, and in her soft whisper of a southern voice, she asked the amused cop on the other end of the line for a wake-up call. He was putty in her hands, and her children all got to school on time the next morning.
How a woman as beautiful as she could be so self-conscious of her looks is hard to fathom, yet she never saw the beauty that was so apparent to others. Despite her poor opinion of her looks, she stopped many a heart and turned many a head.
In fact, one Halloween while taking her children trick-or-treating, she was hit on by a bold 13 year old who mistook the dark-haired beauty for a gypsy. “Son,” she said, “I’m somebody’s Mama.”
Her Mama’s depression-era mentality certainly rubbed off on her, and she was simply unable to throw things out. Cupboards and countertops overflowed with cookie tins, plastic bottles, boxes and bags of all shapes and sizes. Her refrigerator was crammed tight with little baggies containing half pieces of toast or a few crumbles of bacon, each labelled meticulously with a black marker on a piece of masking tape. Although she would use paper plates, she refused to throw them out until they were threadbare, wiping them off over and over because they were still “perfectly good.” Some say "Hoarder," others say "Green.” Tomato, tuhmahhhto.
Regardless, though she had to feed four children from a poverty-level pantry, she knew all there was to know about British Royal Family lineage, Shakespearean sonnets, biblical archaeology, and the latest installment of Masterpiece Theatre. She was quite the anglophile. Yorkshire Pudding was a regular item on the menu, but her children would eat it off of rickety TV trays while sitting on a three-legged curb-rescue sofa watching Laverne and Shirley.
Cooking and kindness will likely be what folks remember most about Katharine. A friend recently said of her, “She was always so kind to me. Every time she saw me she would compliment me, tell me I was a good father, and that God had a special place for me.” That was just what she did.
She lost her only son Donald (her first-born child) to brain cancer when he was just 33 years old. And when his illness went from bad to worse she cared for him when he could no longer care for himself. She was with him through all of it.
With her intelligence and her compassion, she could have excelled in any field, but due to so many struggles (both internal and external) she never found “success” in the traditional sense of the word. She was, however, wildly successful in making those around her feel loved and cherished, and as unique as their fingerprints. There were many times she could not access her heart of gold, her generous and kind nature. But when she could, you felt flooded by the light of the angels, and buoyed by the voice of a poet:

by Katharine Birdsong
To all who’ve touched my life, my soul,
Who’ve broken me or made me whole,
Or who’ve revealed a glimpse of you,
Stripped by all except what’s True—
You’ve left your mark no other’ll see,
Indelible, a part of me;
An imprint only you could make,
And from me none’ll ever take.
Light and dark, these works of Art—
Fingerprints upon my heart----
For good or not, I cannot tell,
But I’ve left my own as well.
Interesting post note: My sisters and I found this hand-written poem of my mother's when going through her things after she passed. Although it was written many years earlier, it was dated June 2nd. The day of her death.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
I feel like I just stepped out of the spa.
Or had a major facelift.
I feel younger and prettier!
Well, my blog feels younger and prettier.
Isn't she beautiful?
With some of my earnings from the pieces I've created, I sprung for a little blog design by the amazing Stephanie of How Sweet Designs. I think she managed to give me just exactly what I was looking for.
Plus now I've got this cool hovering Pinterest button. Try it, just hover over an image from my blog post and a Pin button will pop up. Cool right? I feel so fancy.
Now hopefully I will stop neglecting my blog.
So easy to neglect the plain Janes.
So fun to pay attention to pretty shiny things.
Sad but true.
Here are a few pictures of some of the recent pieces I've worked on....
Or had a major facelift.
I feel younger and prettier!
Well, my blog feels younger and prettier.
Isn't she beautiful?
With some of my earnings from the pieces I've created, I sprung for a little blog design by the amazing Stephanie of How Sweet Designs. I think she managed to give me just exactly what I was looking for.
Plus now I've got this cool hovering Pinterest button. Try it, just hover over an image from my blog post and a Pin button will pop up. Cool right? I feel so fancy.
Now hopefully I will stop neglecting my blog.
So easy to neglect the plain Janes.
So fun to pay attention to pretty shiny things.
Sad but true.
Here are a few pictures of some of the recent pieces I've worked on....
Bits and Pieces,
gallon jugs,
serving trays,
wood signs
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
A Little Before and After
Bought this darling little rocker at A Habitat store for $5! It was a dull white, and I decided to paint it a pretty slate grey, and distress it just enough to let the white show through in places. I also went ahead and drew a flower in one corner of the seat for a touch of whimsy. I used a paint pen for that so it was beyond easy. It was easy peasy.
Then, before I even finished the rocker, I found this sweet little table someone was selling for $10. Can you say chippy love? Clearly, the two needed to be together. I painted the table white with the same slate grey for the top, and now the two look inseparable, don't they? I can only hope that when someone sees them at Rooted, they will take them home together.
You know, the way it was meant to be.
Then, before I even finished the rocker, I found this sweet little table someone was selling for $10. Can you say chippy love? Clearly, the two needed to be together. I painted the table white with the same slate grey for the top, and now the two look inseparable, don't they? I can only hope that when someone sees them at Rooted, they will take them home together.
You know, the way it was meant to be.
No comments:
Monday, March 14, 2016
And Now This....
Just started an Etsy shop.
I'm a brand-spankin' newbie to selling on Etsy, so be patient. Be gentle. I'm still trying to learn the ropes, and find out how to pretty it up.
My blog will be getting prettier, too. Can't wait to see the new look in a couple weeks!
But for right now, here is the link to my naked, bare-bones Etsy shop. Enjoy!
I'm a brand-spankin' newbie to selling on Etsy, so be patient. Be gentle. I'm still trying to learn the ropes, and find out how to pretty it up.
My blog will be getting prettier, too. Can't wait to see the new look in a couple weeks!
But for right now, here is the link to my naked, bare-bones Etsy shop. Enjoy!
Sunday, March 13, 2016
A Few New Bits and Pieces
Had fun working on these new projects, which you can find at Rooted in New London, PA. Hope you enjoy!
Do you recognize the hooks in my coffee sign? I bought them when I went thrifting last week, remember?
And this? Also bought in my recent thrifting trip. I painted it this pretty turquoise color, distressed it just enough to see the yellow peeking out, and added the perky little daisies. Cute, right?
I LOVE using horse tack in my pieces. In this case, I think the snaffle bit was the perfect thing to use in my vintage-look "Farmhouse" sign, don't you think?
Do you recognize the hooks in my coffee sign? I bought them when I went thrifting last week, remember?
And this? Also bought in my recent thrifting trip. I painted it this pretty turquoise color, distressed it just enough to see the yellow peeking out, and added the perky little daisies. Cute, right?
I LOVE using horse tack in my pieces. In this case, I think the snaffle bit was the perfect thing to use in my vintage-look "Farmhouse" sign, don't you think?
Bits and Pieces,
coffee signs,
mason jars,
wood signs
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Thrifting Thursday
Some people are distracted by shiny things.
Not me.
It's the rusty, flaky things that grab my eye.
Peeling paint, nail holes, rusty metal. It all makes my heart race and my pupils dilate.
Raise your hand if you know what I'm talking about.
So for any of you like-minded individuals out there, I thought I'd take you on a little tour of my thrifting process. Most weekends I head over to a local antique mart. They have bigger things in the garage, an assortment of nice-ish pieces in the front of the house, but my favorite is the back of the house, with several aisles of $4 items, 2 for $7. Squee!
Let's look these things over, shall we?
One of the first things I came across were these burlap sacs. Not antique, to be sure, but I really liked the look of them. I'm thinking they belong in glass picture frames as message boards, a la dry erase.
They were not in the 2 for $7 section, though. They were $5 each. I grabbed them up and figured I'd think while I browsed.
I made my way over to the cheap seats, and found this old feed sack. While I loved the vintage look, it was more stained than I would have liked, and I decided to pass.
Interspersed with the rustic was the repulsive.
Then there was this little gem. I had seen it the week before and decided against it. This time I snatched it up. It won't be a flip piece, though. My next house will sport a dining room with blue dishes, I've decided, and this hen and her chicks will find a spot there. You're coming home with me, little ones!
What about these pretty swans? A quick coat of silver spray paint could modernize these little beauties. I'll take 'em!
These wooden spools caught my eye. I thought perhaps they would make nifty little kitchen towel holders. I could thread twine through the center holes to hang them.
But alas, the other ends were in bad shape. Pass.
Old metal hooks that made my hands dirty when I picked them up. Love!
This little double metal bucket caught my eye. I'm thinking a little paint, a little distressing, some flowers. Perfect small project.
What's this I spy? A copper kettle? My word. Come to me, Mama.
Oh. Sigh.
This here horse is bee-you-tee-ful. But too pricey for flipping.
I'm ALWAYS on the look out for wooden boxes, but all I see today is little cigar boxes and the like. Too flimsy for what I'm looking for.
Later I had a chance to stop in to Habitat for Humanity's "Restore". I almost always get some good deals there, and today was no different.
I love to check out their pictures, because no matter the print or painting, I can get some terrific frames. Like this one. Nice size, good shape, ready for repurposing. Problem is, I have way too many frames stockpiled right now, so I must walk-on by.
I love these fake flowers. For $1.00, including the vase? I'll take them, please and thank you.
Here's another vase that looks nice at first pass, but on closer inspection it was poorly painted and the paint was flaking off. Not in a cool old way but in a shoddy workmanship way. I'll pass.
Paints! These were like 50 cents for the little cans. Perfect for mixing up some DIY chalk paint. I found a nice grey and a soft yellow to add to my cart.
So that was my thrifting. I spent in the neighborhood of $25 +/-, and got several project to work on, some supplies, and a little pretty thing for myself. I ended up keeping the two burlap pieces, but found another at a different shop that when combined with these first two, brought the average price to $4 per piece. I can live with that.
When I finish the projects, I'll try to remember to show the before and afters. I even have at least one piece that could use a couple of those hooks, so I'll show that, as well.
Thanks for stopping in, and happy thrifting!
Not me.
It's the rusty, flaky things that grab my eye.
Peeling paint, nail holes, rusty metal. It all makes my heart race and my pupils dilate.
Raise your hand if you know what I'm talking about.
So for any of you like-minded individuals out there, I thought I'd take you on a little tour of my thrifting process. Most weekends I head over to a local antique mart. They have bigger things in the garage, an assortment of nice-ish pieces in the front of the house, but my favorite is the back of the house, with several aisles of $4 items, 2 for $7. Squee!
Let's look these things over, shall we?
One of the first things I came across were these burlap sacs. Not antique, to be sure, but I really liked the look of them. I'm thinking they belong in glass picture frames as message boards, a la dry erase.
They were not in the 2 for $7 section, though. They were $5 each. I grabbed them up and figured I'd think while I browsed.
I made my way over to the cheap seats, and found this old feed sack. While I loved the vintage look, it was more stained than I would have liked, and I decided to pass.
Interspersed with the rustic was the repulsive.
Then there was this little gem. I had seen it the week before and decided against it. This time I snatched it up. It won't be a flip piece, though. My next house will sport a dining room with blue dishes, I've decided, and this hen and her chicks will find a spot there. You're coming home with me, little ones!
What about these pretty swans? A quick coat of silver spray paint could modernize these little beauties. I'll take 'em!
These wooden spools caught my eye. I thought perhaps they would make nifty little kitchen towel holders. I could thread twine through the center holes to hang them.
But alas, the other ends were in bad shape. Pass.
Old metal hooks that made my hands dirty when I picked them up. Love!
Oooooh, toooools. Rusty tools. I want to pick up everything. But I recently found a fantastic source for FREE old metal parts. And you know, why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?
What's this I spy? A copper kettle? My word. Come to me, Mama.
Oh. Sigh.
This here horse is bee-you-tee-ful. But too pricey for flipping.
I'm ALWAYS on the look out for wooden boxes, but all I see today is little cigar boxes and the like. Too flimsy for what I'm looking for.
Later I had a chance to stop in to Habitat for Humanity's "Restore". I almost always get some good deals there, and today was no different.
I love to check out their pictures, because no matter the print or painting, I can get some terrific frames. Like this one. Nice size, good shape, ready for repurposing. Problem is, I have way too many frames stockpiled right now, so I must walk-on by.
I love these fake flowers. For $1.00, including the vase? I'll take them, please and thank you.
Here's another vase that looks nice at first pass, but on closer inspection it was poorly painted and the paint was flaking off. Not in a cool old way but in a shoddy workmanship way. I'll pass.
Paints! These were like 50 cents for the little cans. Perfect for mixing up some DIY chalk paint. I found a nice grey and a soft yellow to add to my cart.
When I finish the projects, I'll try to remember to show the before and afters. I even have at least one piece that could use a couple of those hooks, so I'll show that, as well.
Thanks for stopping in, and happy thrifting!
arts and crafts,
rusty metal,
thrift shops
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